The difference between heresy and true religion

The line between heresy and true religion today has been totally blurred. Truth has become relative and people are allowed to determine the standard that defines truth. Our standard as Christians should be the Bible, because the Bible shows us clearly that God is the author and leader of true religion. Religion itself should be rooted in the will of God. When we learn God’s will, we are learning to discern truth from lies—orthodoxy from heresy.

In God’s account of his creation, he dwelt with Adam until Adam betrayed him. That is when God’s spirit left the sinful hearts of the people he created. God left Adam and went to dwell with Noah, a man who found favour in God’s eyes (Gn 6). Who was the heretic and who had true religion? Adam decided to leave God and follow the words of the serpent. He chose to follow the path that lies opposite God’s truth (Gn 3). In other words, Adam’s “religion” became heresy. If we understand this correctly, we can see that God’s word never changed. God chose Noah, because Noah also refused to change. Noah had a heart that followed God’s truth. When Adam strayed from the truth he received, God was forced to leave because Adam no longer belonged to him.

Although the descendants of Abraham still have immense pride in claiming to be God’s chosen people, they cannot change the fact that they broke the promise they made with God (Jer 31:31-34; Hos 6:7) just like Adam did (Gn 2:17; Gn 3). When they failed to keep God’s covenant, God chose to dwell with Jesus (Jn 1:32). There was a need for a new covenant because of the disobedience of God’s people. Physical Israel left God; they chose to turn from the truth of God’s original word. Instead, they followed a new religion of their own creation and became heretics. Since Jesus had God’s word and preached the truth of its original meaning, those who followed Jesus were orthodox.

It has been approximately 2000 years since Jesus came and created Spiritual Israel. Just like he chose Adam and gave him authority, God created a new chosen people in Spiritual Israel and appointed them to become rulers over all his creation. At the time of his first coming, Jesus prophesied (Lk 18:8) that Spiritual Israel would also fall from its position of authority and return to mere flesh. In other words, they would no longer be God’s possession and would no longer have God’s spirit within them because of their disobedience. The New Testament prophecies describe the Christian world falling into darkness, moving away from the light of God’s word. Jesus prophesies about this when he talks about the sun, moon, and stars falling from the sky (Mt 24:29; Rv 1:1-2; Rv 6:12-14). Once these things take place according to God’s word, Jesus’ angel appears (Rv 1:1-2; Rv 22:16) to fight against and overcome Satan’s lies (Rv 12:10-11). This angel receives the revealed word (Rv 10) and makes them known to another advocate—the one with whom God chooses to dwell after Spiritual Israel breaks its covenant (Jn 14-16). The advocate testifies Jesus’ truth. Because he speaks only the teachings of God, following him becomes the standard of orthodoxy.

Those who leave Jesus and his teachings are betraying and opposing God. They are choosing to follow lies instead of the truth of God’s word. They break their promise to God, yet still call their religion truth. In doing so, they create a new religion from their own imaginations instead of receiving it from God. This is heresy and these people are heretics. The evidence is in whether the words they teach are God’s true word or words that have been corrupted by men. Those who teach a worldly knowledge of God are teaching lies (i.e., sowing the weeds). People who accept such teachings can never unite with Jesus. Although they claim to be orthodox, they are preaching lies that run directly counter to God’s truth and God’s will, which never change.

There are people in every generation who break their promises with God. God cannot dwell with them unless they recognise their mistakes. They must find the place in which and the person in whom love, forgiveness, blessings, and truth exist, because all these things are orthodox. When people persecute, criticize, and judge those who speak according to the Bible, they are only proving that they do not possess true religion. They prove the religion they follow is heresy that has its origins in the hearts and minds of mere men.

By reading this, I hope you will understand how people have misunderstood what distinguishes true religion from heresy. Orthodoxy is defined by God and his word. If God and his will are with you, you are orthodox. If God and his word are not with you, you are a heretic who believes lies.

The restoration of those who have sinned is only possible through God and God’s word. Shinchonji is the place God and his words dwell, and it is the only place believers can be born again in the image of God through the seed of his original and true word (Rv 21:1-6).


Figurative wine and wineskins

What did Jesus mean when he referred to wine and wineskins? (Mt 9:17; Jn 15:1; Lk 5:37-39; Rv 14:18-20; Rv 6:6; Rv 17; Rv 8; Dt 32:31-33)

Wine comes from grapes, and grapes come from vines. There are, however, two types of vines: the true vine and the wild vines of the serpent (Is 5:2-4). Jesus was the true vine (Jn 15:1), and the pastors of Sodom and Gomorrah were the wild vines. Their cities were full of adulteries and were opposing God (Gn 18; Gn 19; Jude 1:7; Dt 32:32-33). The bird of the holy spirit descended upon Jesus, the true vine (Mt 13:31-32; Jn 1:32), but the birds of the evil spirits descended upon the devil’s pastors, the wild vines of adultery (Dn 4:20-22).

What does a vine symbolize? If a vine symbolizes a person, then grapes must represent that person’s words. If a pastor’s words are likened unto wine, then hearing his words is the same as drinking that wine. Interestingly, the Bible mentions old wine as well as new wine, but it says that people enjoy the old wine more than the new (Lk 5:37-39).

What is the difference between the old wine and the new wine?

When Jesus spoke figuratively about the old wine, he was referring to the law given through Moses. The new wine, however, represented the new, revealed word—Jesus’ gospel of heaven. At the time, people were more fond of Moses’ law than Jesus’ new gospel. This is why Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish these things but to fulfill them,” (Mt 5:17). The prophets Jesus referred to were the pastors of God who wrote the Old Testament prophecies. Jesus came to perfect the law and prophets by fulfilling them.

What, then, are the old and new wineskins?

The word is stored in a person’s heart, just as wine is poured into a wineskin. Hence, the wineskin is a metaphor for a person’s heart, and the old wineskins refer to the pastors of the law. Jesus warned that when new wine is poured into old wineskins, the wineskins burst and are destroyed. The new revealed word is so strong, people reject it instead of accepting it into their hearts. New wineskins, on the other hand, refer to the hearts of people who have never had any word before. Simply put, they refer to the group of newly chosen pastors in that generation. Jesus and his disciples were new wineskins because they were not among the pastors who received and taught only the law of Moses at that time.

There are old and new wineskins as well as old and new wine. Again, the old and new wineskins symbolize old and new pastors, respectively. The old and new wine symbolize the law of the previous generation and the new gospel of the revealed word, respectively. In addition to the old and new wines of God, however, there is also maddening wine of adulteries.

Who gives this wine of adulteries?

Although the old and new wine belong to God, the wine of adulteries does not come from God. According to Dt 32, Rv 17, and Rv 18, this wine is made of the poison of serpents and the venom of cobras (Dt 32:33). It is the wine of Sodom and Gomorrah, which were adulterous cities, and the wine of Babylon, the kingdom of demons. The wine of the devil is given by pastors of the devil. The wine of the devil represents the teachings of the devil, and it is because of this wine of adulteries that all nations have collapsed (Rv 18:3). It is also the wine of adultery that the merchants of the earth (the evangelists) have sold and through which they have grown rich. This wine is called the wine of adulteries because it deceived all nations into marrying the devil (Rv 18:23). The books of Daniel and Revelation both record how this wine of adulteries is poured into a golden goblet during a wedding feast (Dn 5:1-4; Rv 18:1-4).

What is the wine of adulteries?

When they are ordained, pastors are anointed with oil and they take an oath in the name of God, who compared himself in the Bible to a bridegroom (Hos 2:19; Jer 31:32). If these pastors later receive the spirit of the devil (the seed of his word) and appointed tasks from the devil, then they have committed spiritual adultery with him. Without even knowing it, they have married the devil. If these pastors receive the devils lies and preach them to their congregation members, their lies are the wine of adulteries. The Bible laments how all nations have joined Babylon after being intoxicated by the wine of her adulteries, which symbolizes biblical commentaries. All nations have collapsed and married the devil because of the wine of adulteries (Rv 17; Rv 18). According to Rv 18:3 and Rv 18:11, the merchants of Babylon do their business with the products of Babylon. Since these merchants do not understand the meaning of the Bible, they teach the biblical commentaries of others, which are false interpretations of God’s word. This is what it means to conduct business with the wine of adulteries.

These people have married the devil and have been intoxicated with the wine of adulteries. This is why they need to be born again of the seed of God’s teachings and God’s holy spirit (Jn 3:5-6; 1 Pt 1:23). To do so, they must wash their robes in the water of life as clear as crystal (Rv 22:1-2, 14). The water of life represents the revealed word of heaven. Pastors and their congregation members who have received the spirits of demons speak lies like the devil. They claim to be orthodox, to have attained salvation, and to have received the holy spirit. If we want to truly receive salvation, however, we must humble ourselves; we must hunger and thirst for righteousness (Mt 5:6).

Everyone must realize that today is the end times for the world of Christianity. It is now time for us to seek the truth, to take the word as our path to salvation. Please do your best to seek God’s truth and knock and on God’s door (Mt 7:7-8; Rv 3:20)!

What is the maddening wine of adultery and wrath that has made all nations fall?

The main reference for today is Rv 18:3.

The fallen nations represent the world’s churches, and the wine of adultery represents the doctrines of Satan. The wrath[1] refers to God’s anger. The wine is called the maddening wine and the wine of wrath to reveal that God is angry because Satan’s doctrines have caused all nations to fall.

Wine comes from grapes, and grapes come from vines. God has his vine and Satan has his vine (Is 5:1-4). Jesus even called himself the true vine (Jn 15:1-5). He spoke about old wine and old wineskins as well as new wine and new wineskins (Lk 5:37-39). The old wine Jesus spoke about referred to the law, and the old wineskins were the previous generation’s pastors. The new wine, on the other hand, referred to the revealed word, and the new wineskins were Jesus and his disciples (Mt 9:10-17). Satan’s vine, however, is the vine of Sodom, and its wine, which is the venom of serpents, the deadly poison of cobras, refers to Satan’s doctrines (Dt 32:31-33).

Again, the wine refers variously to the law, the revealed word, and Satan’s doctrines. The Law is the old wine, the revealed word is the true wine, and the bad wine represents Satan’s doctrines. Like Adam and Eve, God’s pastors and people betray God, who was their groom, and associate instead with Satan. The doctrines they receive from Satan and convey to others are called the wine of adultery.

When the Bible mentions how all nations are destroyed by the wine of adultery, it is not referring to the end of the world. It is not even referring to the end of the worlds of Buddhism or Judaism. In fact, it is referring to the end of the Christian world. Everyone, including the kings of the earth (religious leaders), the people of the earth, the merchants (evangelists), ship captains (pastors of churches), sailors, and passengers have fallen because of the wine of adultery and the ecclesiastical authority of Babylon (Rv 18). This is about the end of the Christian world. There is one promised pastor whom the heavens have chosen. He saves people by feeding them the food of eternal life. How can the people of the world know this?

We, in Shinchonji Church of Jesus, have seen the physical fulfillment of the prophecies we have been discussing. We are testifying about that fulfillment, and our testimony is true. There is salvation for those who understand and believe.

Shinchonji-Law, politics, and order


Are there any politicians whose eyes and ears are opened in both the physical world and in the spiritual world (religious world: i.e. churches)?

There are countless deceitful and slanderous posts on the Internet these days in our country. The mental, physical, and even financial suffering that these false posts cause for organizations and individuals alike cannot be over-emphasized. For whom do the law, politics, and social order exist? If they cannot maintain control of public safety, shouldn’t we say they are in darkness? When the ears, eyes, and hearts of those working in the legislative and the administrative branches of government are in darkness, it is as if they do not even exist.

The world has become a place where true religion from heaven is ignored and the arbitrary, authoritarian religions of humanity are welcomed. Noah came out of Adam’s world when it became corrupt; Abraham and Moses came out of Noah’s world when it (the world of Canaan) became corrupt; Jesus came out of Judaism (Physical Israel) when it became corrupt; Protestantism emerged from Catholicism when it became corrupt. Today, Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ) has come out of the depraved Protestant religion according to the Bible and Jesus’ commands.

The priests and people of Judaism persecuted Jesus, calling him a cult leader and the devil himself (Jn 8; Acts 24). In the same way, the Christian Council of Korea, which is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church and Christianity (i. e. Protestantism), is persecuting SCJ Church of Jesus. They call us a cult without any biblical evidence for their accusations. There are two main reasons for this persecution. First, SCJ does not follow their regulations or have ordainment of pastors who have graduated from their seminary. Second, SCJ has received the spirit of the Counselor and has mastered the Bible. After having received the spirit of the Counselor, SCJ began teaching people the Bible, and since then, Presbyterian believers have been flocking to SCJ (Jn 14; Jn 16; Rv 10).

The Presbyterian Church was founded by John Calvin, and the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. Just like Calvin, conversion education pastors from the CCK have been assaulting and locked people in small studio apartments against their will. These so-called conversion education pastors put bandages on their lips to gag them. They handcuff the their hands and feet. After ensuring that their captives cannot escape, these pastors begin their forced conversion education program. In some cases, when their captives refuse to convert to the Presbyterian Church, these conversion education pastors have even committed them to mental institutions. Can you imagine how terrified these victims must have been? There are some victims that have been able to escape the conversion education program to tell their stories, but the conversion education pastors try to blame the entire situation on SCJ. Now that you know the story, does this make any sense? Is it SCJ that has caused the problem? There was even one case where a husband beat his ex-wife to death because she refused to change her religion. These incidents have revealed the true identity of the CCK, who are working under the traditions of Calvinism. The murder that occurred because of the conversion education program is a continuation of the persecution and death of God’s prophets and apostles in the Old and New Testaments (Mt 23:34-37; 1 Thes 2:15; Heb 11). Calvin was a murderer too, and this tradition can be clearly seen in the actions of his followers, the pastors who belong to the CCK. Even more inexplicable, these pastors claim to be cult experts and “cult terminators.”

According to a recent survey on religion, the general public regards Christianity as the least trustworthy religion. How can the CCK still claim to be the light of the world with apparent disregard for the results of surveys like this? This is why the relationship between SCJ and CCK is confrontational. Instead of cooperating, SCJ is striving for righteousness and justice.

There are the law of world and the law of the heaven. The law of the world is created by the men and women who work in government legislative bodies. The law of heaven, on the other hand, is created by God. Speaking on behalf of God, Jesus declared, “The word I have spoken will judge him at the last day,” (Jn 12:48b). Upon hearing from Jesus, Apostle John also testified, “The dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to their deeds,” (Rv 20:12b). Outward believers and inward believers (Rom 2:28-29) will be distinguished at that time of judgment. Look carefully! There is not a single passage in either the Old or New Testament that says people can become pastors who are allowed to teach only after learning at a seminary and being ordained. Did the Old Testament prophets, Jesus, or his apostles ever study at a seminary? Were they ever ordained as pastors? Regardless, they still mastered the Bible with the help of the holy spirit. Aren’t today’s theologians and pastors also learning from the books that the prophets and apostles recorded?

Whose testimony must be the truth: those who have mastered the deepest things of heaven after receiving the holy spirit (1 Cor 2:10; Acts 1:8) or the pastors who have been ordained by seminaries established according to man-made traditions? Some Christian pastors have even been appointed through bribery. There are people who have never even set foot into a seminary that have been appointed as pastors and as denominational representatives. If this is what is happening within Christianity, how can they still claim to be orthodox? CCK claims to be orthodox, but these are the types of actions they carry out. Do you think believers under these kinds of pastors will attain salvation?

To all believers in this generation! Please examine your own pastors. The Bible should be our teacher; it should be the spiritual path on which we walk. God and his word are the only things we can trust. Those who do not know the Bible do not know God; they cannot see the path. Since the spirit of the Counselor is in SCJ, SCJ has been able to master the Bible and is testifying about the revealed word (Jn 14; Jn 16; Rv 10).


Shinchonji-The revealed word and commentaries


Who teaches the revealed word and who teaches commentaries? How are they different from one another?

Apostle Paul abandoned the law and the knowledge of the world to preach the visions and revelation he received from Jesus (2 Cor 12:1; Gal 1:8-12). God opens his sealed scroll at the appointed time and gives it to his chosen pastor so that he can eat it. When he receives the revealed scroll from God and the command of where to go with that word, the chosen pastor preaches the revealed word to the people.

God opened the sealed scroll of the Old Testament at the appointed time (Is 29:9-13; Hb 2:2-3; Ez 1-3) and gave the revelation to Jesus (Mt 11:27). Jesus went and preached where he was sent according to the prophecy (Mt 15:24). The same strategy applies to the sealed scroll of the New Testament—the book of Revelation. Jesus opens the scroll (Rv 6; Rv 8) and gives it to his chosen pastor. The chosen pastor eats the scroll and is told to preach the revealed word to many peoples, nations, languages, and kings (Rv 10; Rv 1:2). This is the route of passage of God’s revelation. God opens the sealed scroll of the Bible at his appointed time, and he allows the chosen pastor to receive it and preach its content to the people. Only those who receive this revelation can know God and the one sent by God. Knowing the one true God and the one he has sent are the qualifications necessary to inherit eternal life (Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3).

Many theologians (e.g. Calvin) wrote biblical commentaries after having studied the scriptures on their own (Ez 13:1-3). All of these biblical commentaries are different because they represent the opinions of their authors. With these countless interpretations of the scriptures, which can we trust? Since there can only be one true meaning of the scriptures, the great variety of commentaries reveals their true nature. Biblical commentaries only confuse believers and lead them astray.

Calvin himself never made reference to the book of Revelation. Other theologians and pastors have boldly spoken out about Revelation, but all their interpretations differ wildly from one another. If biblical commentaries are not the revealed word from heaven, aren’t they nothing but the false teachings of men? Aren’t they the weeds sown in the field of Christianity? If the Bible uses a tree to symbolize a person, isn’t a pastor who has seed of weeds the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Spiritually speaking, the words of that pastor are the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The bird that comes and perches in that tree is an evil spirit. This pastor, symbolized by the tree, becomes the bride of an evil spirit. If that is the case, then aren’t that pastor’s biblical interpretations, which originate from an evil spirit (the groom), really the wine of adultery. Whoever drinks the wine of adultery becomes a child of the devil. Their own spirit simply dies. There is only one book of God that is revealed. The one book is given to one pastor, and that one pastor preaches its content (Rv 1:2; Rv 10; Rv 22:16). Can you still choose the commentaries of men over the revealed word of God? Believers must judge for themselves.

A man named Shin, who used to be a member of Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ), chose the wrong path out of his lust for power and authority (Jas 1:15). He wanted to take over SCJ after getting rid of our chairman. He claimed that SCJ people should eat the flesh and drink the blood of the SCJ chairman to have salvation. He claimed that we should pray in the name of the SCJ chairman for our prayers to be answered. Mr. Shin even suggested these things directly to the chairman, but when the chairman rebuked him he formed his own sect through a coup d´etat.

As a result of these actions, Mr. Shin was expelled from SCJ. SCJ has established precise regulations about maintaining its finances in a righteous way. All bank accounts must be created under the name of SCJ Church of Jesus, not under the name of an individual. In spite of this rule, Mr. Shin had created bank accounts under his own name. In addition, Mr. Shin’s sermons were based mainly on biblical commentaries instead of the revealed word. He even encouraged other SCJ members to study the commentaries. SCJ educators teach only the Bible and the revealed word. SCJ sermons are based only on the Bible, not on biblical commentaries. Mr. Shin acted this way in full knowledge that biblical commentaries are prohibited in SCJ. Can we say that his life of faith was carried out according to the will of God?

These days, Mr. Shin is conducting seminars with the pastor responsible for the infamous conversion education program. He has been speaking about the commentaries in those seminars as well. Do you think the people who listen to his seminars, who drink that kind of wine, can have salvation?

It is only when Christians believe in and act upon the revealed word from heaven instead of the commentaries, that they can enter their hope. We in SCJ sincerely pray for all of you.

Shincheonji-The church is a place where it teaches the path to the God of Heaven

Religions like Christianity, Buddhism, and Confucianism are similar in that they all attempt to teach the path to heaven. The way to heaven, however, is known only to the one who has been to and come back from heaven. Since the way to heaven is not the way of the world, it is not something that just anyone can know or teach. God sends a messenger in every generation to work on his behalf. A spirit is sent from heaven to earth to teach and lead God’s messenger. Since heaven is where God and God’s kingdom are, believers with their hopes set on heaven must find it no matter where it might be. Can a pastor who has never been to heaven lead anyone else there?

Jesus came from heaven, returned there, and he will come from heaven once again (Jn 3:34; Jn 14:1-3). When and where will he appear? If he appears today, will anyone be able to see him and believe in him? Speaking from one’s own wisdom, knowledge, judgment, and thoughts is like spitting in the ocean to try and raise the tide. Physical thoughts and knowledge are different from spiritual thoughts and knowledge. Until the revelation (Matt 11:27), mentioned in the OT (Isa 29:9-14; Hab 2:2-3; Eze 1; Eze 2; Eze 3), came, all the religious leaders of the time taught only the teachings of men. This is why no one could understand Jesus’ revelation (Matt 22:29).

Similarly, from the time of the first coming to now, when the revelation of the NT has come (Rev 5; Rev 6; Rev 8; Rev 10), all pastors have been preaching only the teachings of men. Today, every pastor has his own interpretation of Revelation that springs from his own mind. This proves that men’s teachings have been taught until today. Anyone who believes in the true faith, the true heaven, and true eternal life must acknowledge the Bible and its fulfillment. They must accept the true revelation that Shinchonji is testifying. Instead of slandering us and calling us a devil-worshiping demon-possessed cult, in the same way the prophets and apostles of the past were persecuted, all believers should truly repent of their biblical ignorance and other wrongdoings. Blaming and persecuting others without knowing the Bible’s true meaning will not take you to heaven or grant you eternal life. You cannot make your thoughts and opinions true just because you want them to be true. Even pastors and theologians must learn the things they do not know to be saved.

The Bible is the standard of our faith. Since Shinchonji alone teaches the word of revelation, even if people want to repent and base their faith on the Bible, their efforts are futile unless they go through Shinchonji. If Shinchonji approached people today the way Jesus did at the first coming, this generation would be in an uproar. Do you remember what Jesus said at the first coming? If you believe what he said, then you will find what Shinchonji says faultless. Persecuting someone or some group as a cult without any biblical basis reveals a deep spiritual problem only in the person who is doing the persecuting. Shinchonji is doing its best to proclaim the truth of the prophecies of the Bible and their fulfillment. Blessed are those who receive the word of revelation and the testimony, keep it, and reach salvation (Rev 1:1-3).


Philippians 2:1-11

1If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the spirit, if any tenderness and compassion,

2then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.

3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

5 Your attitude should be the same as that OF CHRIST JESUS:

6who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothering, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness

8And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross!

9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave im the name that is above every name,

10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


Story of ‘Hee’


God, the creator is the light of life and His son Jesus is the light of life.


One day, the light of life from heaven headed to a small village called Cheong-do, meaning crystal clear town, in Korea.

Hee’s grandfather, the descendent of royal fmaily, had a precognitive dream about the birth of his grandson. In his dream he saw the light cut through the darkness and descended to his daughter-in-law. He named his unborn grandchild ‘Hee’ which means complete light.


Although Hee did not learned religious life of faith but he remembered from his childhood that his granfather had a bowl of water in front of him and prayed with his eyes opened. As Hee grew up, he had mysterious experience of seeing a star four times.


When Hee just entered Pung Kak elementary school, he saw the first star in a daylight while he was working at the wheat field with sister-in-law.


When Hee’s family was having a hard time financially, he moved to his father’s friend’s house. While he was sharpening sickle during the day he saw the second star. The star visited him for 2 years.


When Hee went up to the shirt of Mt. Biseul, where wolves and tigers were often appeared, he layed down next to a unknown grave and saw the third star, which seemed liked it was comforting him for his weary life.


One day when Hee was praying secretly, he saw with his dad the forth star came as close as a helicopter. Ater he saw the last star, his neighbors turned into his enemy with no apparent reason and ket treating him harsh.


Hee could not stand any more. He made a gun and climbed the mountain. At the mountain he climbed to kill himself, he met the man of heaven full of light.


On that same day, Hee went to the river and experienced miracle. When he held back water with his shovel and the water  dried up instantly.  All of sudden, a woman and seven children appeared out of no where and helped him catch fishes.


Hee began to walk a life of faith lead by heaven, and he gathered people from church in his village and had very first service at his yard.


Through all these experiences, Hee met God and pledged loyalty to God with his blood. Hee entered the Temple of the Tabernacle after hearing the voice from heaven saying follow the truth.


However, Hee received persecution for saying what is right. He returned to his hometown. 7 years passed. One day Hee saw a vision where Cheong-do changes to the image of the Temple of the Tabernacle and he met Jesus coming in the cloud. Jesus placed his right hand on him and annointed him. Hee returned to the Temple of the Tabernacle to send the letters to the seven stars.


Hee is the promised pastor who received the book of Revelation and proclaiming the fulfillment of Revelation to the all nation according to Jesus command. Hee is the one who overcomes in Revelation.


Shinchonji-Calvin’s Geneva Council and the Christian Council of Korea

The following article was written to promote a true life of faith for all churches and all believers. I’d like to reflect on the history of Christianity and on the Christian Council of Korea. I’d also like to ask all Christians around the world to distinguish who is right and who is wrong.

What is the true meaning of Calvinism, which has predestination as one of its core doctrines? What are the true identities of the Presbyterian churches and the Christian Council of Korea, which have been founded on the teachings of Calvinism? There are many similarities between the two.

The Catholic Church was founded after Jesus’ ascension, but Protestantism broke away from Catholicism through the work of Martin Luther. Afterward, John Calvin seized ecclesiastical authority in Geneva in 1541 through the Council of Geneva. Through that committee, he forced people to believe in his doctrine of predestination. He cruelly tortured, banished, and even killed those who disagreed with him (Stefan Zweig “The Right to Heresy: Castellio against Calvin”; Cho Chansun “The Sinful History of Christianity.” Pyeongdan Publishing Company).

In the words of Jesus’ prophecy in Jn 16:1-2, Jesus said, “I have told you all these things so that you will not fall away. They will put you out of the synagogue, yet a time is coming when the one who kills you will think he is offering service to God.” This message from Jesus is applicable to Calvin’s doctrines, ideology, and actions. The first of the Ten Commandments (God’s and Jesus’ words of promise) says, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exo 20:3-6; Matt 22:37-38).

Adam and Eve in Genesis disobeyed God (Gen 3). They were eventually destroyed because of their betrayal and because they united with the serpent, the devil (Rev 12:9; Rev 20:2). What about Solomon? His worship of gentile gods brought destruction upon the Israelites (1 Kin 11). The New Testament also prophesies that those who worship gentile gods and gentile pastors will not be able to escape from eternal punishment and destruction at the time of judgment (Rev 13; Rev 14).

The establishment and background of the Christian Council of Korea

(Ref:; the Christian Press of Korea, Forum on April 24, 2008)

The Christian Council of Korea was originally established during Korea’s period of military dictatorship to serve the political aspirations of a certain politician. This politician wanted to mobilize the forces of conservatism that were working during President Park’s third term.

During the most recent Japanese occupation of Korea, Presbyterian churches, which were founded by Calvin, allowed their congregations to bow to the Japanese emperor (a gentile) to begin every worship service. How is this different from the way Solomon worshipped gentile gods? This is an undeniable historical fact that can be verified by looking at the Korean conservative denomination called “Goshin.” Goshin emerged from the Korean Presbyterian Church because they did not approve of the conciliations the Korean Presbyterian Church made during the Japanese occupation. Please consider how Adam, Eve, and the people living at the time of Solomon’s reign were destroyed by worshiping gentile gods. Do you think that there is salvation for the Korean Presbyterian Church, which unashamedly bowed down to gentile gods? Was the Christian Council of Korea established for Christians or for worldly politicians?

The Christian Council of Korea was established in 1989. In 1990, the organization appointed a certain man to serve as Heresy Control Committee and as “Vice Chairman” of a committee that creates strategies for use against cults in Korea. According to a newspaper article about him, this man completed only two years of elementary school, and used to be a member of a denomination that the Christian Council itself has labeled a cult. The Christian Council of Korea appointed him and helped him to conduct cult education seminars nationwide. These seminars are aimed at forcing people to believe in his doctrines just as Calvin did. Since the seminars are full of criticism, persecution, and insults, it is clear that the Christian Council of Korea, has no love, no forgiveness, and no truth. These are the things Jesus commanded us to pursue, and since the CCK has followed another path, it has lost credibility among Protestant believers. This may be the reason the number of Korean Christians has recently fallen from 12 million to 8.6 million. Approximately one-third of Korean Christians have left their churches. Can we say that this is the work of the holy spirit? Throughout Christian history there has never been a time when this many believers have abandoned their faith so quickly. What has caused this tragedy? Shouldn’t the Christian Council of Korea be able to give a clear account for this decline? Shouldn’t they be held responsible for this situation?

If 3.5 million Korean Christians have left their churches since these seminars began, where did they go? Did they abandon their faith to return to the world? Did they start attending Catholic Churches? Did they move to Shinchonji Church of Jesus? Shouldn’t Christianity be filled with the holy spirit, love, forgiveness, and salvation?

The Christian Council of Korea has fabricated pure lies in an effort to persecute Shinchonji as a cult. One of their claims is that Shinchonji teaches people that Matt 24 is the only chapter regarding the end of the age. Shinchonji, however, has never made such a claim. The CCK has categorized Shinchonji as a cult because they want our congregation members to leave Shinchonji and start attending CCK member churches. This is also following the footsteps of Calvin. They also want to prevent their congregation members from leaving them in favor of Shinchonji. In spite of their attempts, true believers are following the commands of Jesus – commands to pursue love, forgiveness, and truth – and coming to Shinchonji. Please come and verify whether this is true. Those who work in the faith conversion programs disgrace people and even beat them to death when they refuse to convert. Their cruel actions, just like Calvin’s, are the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy of Jn 16:2.

The number of Korean Christians has been falling so dramatically because Christians are persecuting and cursing other Christians. The man appointed by the CCK as a “cult expert,” is now working with another man, who was recently expelled from Shinchonji. Although CCK calls Shinchonji a cult, they now collaborate with one of the people we have expelled. Together they hold even more seminars claiming to help Christians distinguish cults. Amid all this cursing and persecution of other Christians, what will be the outcome for the Christian world?

If what Shinchonji claims is true, they should stop calling us a cult. This man who is now working with the CCK “cult expert” was expelled from Shinchonji for claiming that people must eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Shinchonji Chairman to attain salvation. He was expelled for claiming that people must pray in the name of the Shinchonji Chairman for their prayers to be answered. He was expelled from Shinchonji because he was spreading destructive lies. If the Christian Council of Korea has appointed these two people – the so-called cult expert and the person expelled from Shinchonji – to work for their organization, if they have acknowledged them as true believers, wouldn’t it be more correct to say that the Christian Council of Korea is itself the true cult? Those who belong to God will acknowledge the word of God and this claim as truth; those who belong to the devil will reject this claim. Why did the Christian Council of Korea appoint a man, whom they once categorized as a heretic, to be their cult expert? Please consider what has been discussed above and distinguish where God, salvation, and the truth really are. Anyone who knows and believes the Bible will distinguish right from wrong.
