The difference between heresy and true religion

The line between heresy and true religion today has been totally blurred. Truth has become relative and people are allowed to determine the standard that defines truth. Our standard as Christians should be the Bible, because the Bible shows us clearly that God is the author and leader of true religion. Religion itself should be rooted in the will of God. When we learn God’s will, we are learning to discern truth from lies—orthodoxy from heresy.

In God’s account of his creation, he dwelt with Adam until Adam betrayed him. That is when God’s spirit left the sinful hearts of the people he created. God left Adam and went to dwell with Noah, a man who found favour in God’s eyes (Gn 6). Who was the heretic and who had true religion? Adam decided to leave God and follow the words of the serpent. He chose to follow the path that lies opposite God’s truth (Gn 3). In other words, Adam’s “religion” became heresy. If we understand this correctly, we can see that God’s word never changed. God chose Noah, because Noah also refused to change. Noah had a heart that followed God’s truth. When Adam strayed from the truth he received, God was forced to leave because Adam no longer belonged to him.

Although the descendants of Abraham still have immense pride in claiming to be God’s chosen people, they cannot change the fact that they broke the promise they made with God (Jer 31:31-34; Hos 6:7) just like Adam did (Gn 2:17; Gn 3). When they failed to keep God’s covenant, God chose to dwell with Jesus (Jn 1:32). There was a need for a new covenant because of the disobedience of God’s people. Physical Israel left God; they chose to turn from the truth of God’s original word. Instead, they followed a new religion of their own creation and became heretics. Since Jesus had God’s word and preached the truth of its original meaning, those who followed Jesus were orthodox.

It has been approximately 2000 years since Jesus came and created Spiritual Israel. Just like he chose Adam and gave him authority, God created a new chosen people in Spiritual Israel and appointed them to become rulers over all his creation. At the time of his first coming, Jesus prophesied (Lk 18:8) that Spiritual Israel would also fall from its position of authority and return to mere flesh. In other words, they would no longer be God’s possession and would no longer have God’s spirit within them because of their disobedience. The New Testament prophecies describe the Christian world falling into darkness, moving away from the light of God’s word. Jesus prophesies about this when he talks about the sun, moon, and stars falling from the sky (Mt 24:29; Rv 1:1-2; Rv 6:12-14). Once these things take place according to God’s word, Jesus’ angel appears (Rv 1:1-2; Rv 22:16) to fight against and overcome Satan’s lies (Rv 12:10-11). This angel receives the revealed word (Rv 10) and makes them known to another advocate—the one with whom God chooses to dwell after Spiritual Israel breaks its covenant (Jn 14-16). The advocate testifies Jesus’ truth. Because he speaks only the teachings of God, following him becomes the standard of orthodoxy.

Those who leave Jesus and his teachings are betraying and opposing God. They are choosing to follow lies instead of the truth of God’s word. They break their promise to God, yet still call their religion truth. In doing so, they create a new religion from their own imaginations instead of receiving it from God. This is heresy and these people are heretics. The evidence is in whether the words they teach are God’s true word or words that have been corrupted by men. Those who teach a worldly knowledge of God are teaching lies (i.e., sowing the weeds). People who accept such teachings can never unite with Jesus. Although they claim to be orthodox, they are preaching lies that run directly counter to God’s truth and God’s will, which never change.

There are people in every generation who break their promises with God. God cannot dwell with them unless they recognise their mistakes. They must find the place in which and the person in whom love, forgiveness, blessings, and truth exist, because all these things are orthodox. When people persecute, criticize, and judge those who speak according to the Bible, they are only proving that they do not possess true religion. They prove the religion they follow is heresy that has its origins in the hearts and minds of mere men.

By reading this, I hope you will understand how people have misunderstood what distinguishes true religion from heresy. Orthodoxy is defined by God and his word. If God and his will are with you, you are orthodox. If God and his word are not with you, you are a heretic who believes lies.

The restoration of those who have sinned is only possible through God and God’s word. Shinchonji is the place God and his words dwell, and it is the only place believers can be born again in the image of God through the seed of his original and true word (Rv 21:1-6).


The beginning and end of God’s work

When will the work of God that is seen in the Bible come to an end?

After Adam and his generation betrayed God, God carried out his work of restoration through Noah. When Noah’s world became corrupt, God worked through Moses. When the people belonging to Moses’ world of the law went astray, God worked through Jesus by commanding him to proclaim the gospel of heaven (Mt 4:17). Today, the period of the gospel of heaven has come to an end (Mt 24:29; Rv 6) and the period of the millennium described in prophecies regarding the second coming has begun (Rv 20:4-6). After the millennium has passed, people who are still outside the tabernacle will be subject to God’s fiery judgment. The dead will stand before the great white throne and be judged according to their deeds. Their spirits will either be thrown into the lake of fire, (i.e., hell and the second death) or they will enter paradise in the kingdom of heaven (Rv 20:7-15).

For the last 6,000 years of biblical history, from the time of Adam to the time of the second coming today, you can see a repeating cycle of a new generation beginning as the previous generation comes to an end. At the second coming, however, this pattern comes to an end because the new generation that is established will never be destroyed. At the time of the second coming, God, Jesus, the angels, and the holy city New Jerusalem descends upon the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel—the 144,000 firstfruits who are sealed at Mt. Zion (Rv 14). The flesh of these firstfruits unite with the spirits of heaven in the city of the millennium (Rv 20:4-6; 2 Cor 5:1-4). This unification of spirit and flesh is the first resurrection. Only the members of the twelve tribes who are sealed at Mt. Zion can participate in the first resurrection with the spirits of the martyrs who were killed because of their faith in Jesus Christ and his teachings words. The fate of everyone else is determined at the judgment that takes place after the millennium (Rv 20).

At the time of the second coming, the world of Christianity comes to an end and the world of Shinchonji begins. In other words, the work of Shinchonji, which is the city of the millennium, begins at the time of the second coming. The millennium begins after the dragon is captured and locked in the abyss (Rv 20:1-3). The dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood will remain outside the city of millennium (Rv 22:15). People can only enter the city of the millennium by washing their robes (Rv 22:14) and having their names written down in the book of life (Rv 21:27). At the great judgment that takes place after the millennium, people who have washed their robes at the spiritual laundromat outside the city will be able to avoid judgment and enter the city. After the millennium is over, Satan emerges from the abyss and deceives the people who are still outside the city. He tricks them into attacking the holy city once more. This is when God judges those living outside the holy city by causing fire to rain down upon them (Rv 20:7-10). The people inside the city have taken part in the unification of flesh and spirit (i.e., they belong to God). There is no fiery judgment for them. Only the people outside the city are destroyed by fire. No one can survive God’s fiery judgment, so their dead spirits are all that remain. Regardless of the positions they had held in the world, these spirits are judged before the great white throne and go to either heaven or hell depending on their deeds as recorded in the books. Death and Hades are thrown into the lake of fire, which is the second death (Rv 20:11-15). This is also the time when people who died long ago receive judgment. Since it is the final judgment, this is when the spirit of Satan, the spirits of the dead, and the flesh outside the holy city all meet their end. The people whose flesh have united with the spirits of heaven inside the city—those who have participated in the first resurrection—escape judgment and live forever in God’s eternal kingdom.

These articles will also become important evidence after the millennium. As a writer, I am testifying about what I have seen, heard, and understood. After the time of the second coming, there will not be a third coming of another pastor or another world. Only those who are sealed as members of the twelve tribes at Mt. Zion and participate in the first resurrection that unites spirit and flesh will live for eternity. These are the people who master the Bible by believing and obeying its fulfillment. They are the only ones who receive the blessing of eternal life.

Today, people of faith who want salvation must be able to discern the time and distinguish their own pastors from the harvesters and the promised pastor. They must understand where to go and they must go there.

Eval‍uation of people’s lives of faith in the present time

There are many religions in this world: Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, Islam, etc. Christians can be divided into Catholics and Protestants, and Protestantism has splintered into many different denominations.
There are, of course, people in every Christian denomination who zealously carry out their lives of faith, but if the Christian world were to come to an end, which denomination would God acknowledge? If God were to decide he is unhappy with all the current denominations, would he God create a new one? If God were to create a new denomination, where would all the existing denominations have to go?

Hasn’t God promised to create a new kingdom and denomination in the New Testament?

If a new denomination does appear, then all existing denominations are of no use. Regardless, existing denominations still claim to be orthodox and to have already attained salvation and the holy spirit. Isn’t that true? This is the type of world into which Shinchonji Church of Jesus—Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony—has appeared (Rv 21:1; Rv 15:5) 2,000 years after being promised.

Up until recently, Korean culture was unarguably lagging behind modern western culture. Today, much of western culture has overtaken traditional Korean culture. If we compare the culture of today’s religious world to old-fashioned Korean culture, Shinchonji’s culture of heaven can be compared to the more advanced western culture. Shinchonji’s culture of heaven, however, far surpasses western culture. I only make such a comparison because people today do not understand righteousness or the meaning of heaven.

The conclusion of everything in the Bible is hidden in its final book, Revelation. What was hidden, however, has become a reality today at the appointed time. If this is the case, how can believers whose eyes, ears, and hearts have not yet been spiritually circumcised understand? God’s messengers have always been persecuted for carrying out their appointed tasks. Those who persecute them do so because they do not understand the Bible or God’s will (Mt 22:29). In the end times for the world of religion (Mt 24:3), God does not acknowledge any of the world’s churches, nor does he approve of their pastors and congregation members because of the situation described in Rv 17 and 18.

Specifically, all nations have been deceived by the false doctrines of Babylon, the kingdom of demons. In this time of deception, people who are harvested by the sickles of the harvesting angels (Rv 14:14-16) are born again of God’s seed to become new creations. These new creations become the indispensable people of God’s kingdom of heaven (Rv 7; Rv 14)—the twelve tribes. This kingdom of heaven is established in Revelation. The people of this kingdom are the priests and people purchased by Jesus’ blood (Rv 5:9-10; Rv 7:9-14). God has been working for 6,000 years in an attempt to restore his lost kingdom. Today, we are freedom fighters for the kingdom of heaven. We have received the command from heaven and are completing God’s objective on earth.

Anyone who wants to be a child of the kingdom of heaven must be born again by believing the words of promise and receiving the seed of the word. So many of the churches of this world are in an uproar because of Shinchonji. Just as many Jews flocked to Jesus seeking the truth, believers today have left their pastors and their denominations to come to Shinchonji. Just as our physical bodies crave and seek out physical food, our spirits crave and seek out spiritual food.

Shinchonji has spiritual food in abundance. This food is not for your flesh, but for your spirit. Dead spirits that receive this food can live again. This food that endures to eternal life is given and promised by Jesus. It is otherwise referred to as the fruit of the tree of life or the hidden manna in Rv 2 and Rv 3. This food can only be found in Shinchonji. Since the Bible promises that this food is only given to the one who fights against and overcomes Satan and his Nicolaitans, there is only one person who receives it. At first, this food of eternal life belonged only to God. Then, God gave it to Jesus (Rv 5:5-7), and Jesus gave it to the holy spirit of the advocate (Rv 10:1-2). The spirit of the truth, the advocate, comes in the name of Jesus, dwells with the one who overcomes, and uses him to accomplish his appointed task (Mt 23:29; Jn 14:17; Jn 14:26; Rv 1:1; Rv 1:10).

Anyone who wants to eat this food of eternal life must come to Shinchonji Church of Jesus. We give it away freely because that is how we received it. Anyone who wants to come and drink the water of life can receive it without cost. This is why Revelation 22:17 says, “The spirit and bride say, ‘Come!’ And let the one who hears say: ‘Come!’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wants it take the water of life free of charge.”

The difference between the believers of this old, worn-out generation and the believers of Shinchonji Church of Jesus, is like the difference between night and day, light and darkness, heaven and hell (Jn 8:12; 1 Thes 5:1-5). There is an eastern prophecy that refers to a group of people called Do-tong-geun-jah1. The Bible also talks about the members of the twelve tribes who have mastered the scriptures. If the Bible is considered our path, aren’t they referring to the same thing? These people have mastered the meaning of God’s word and understand the will of God and heaven. The pastors of many Protestant churches worry about their congregation members who are leaving to join Shinchonji, but we are not looking for all the believers of the world to come into Shinchonji. We don’t need all the world’s believers. Shinchonji needs the new creations who are born again of God’s seed and holy spirit, as was mentioned above (Jn 3:5-6; 1 Pt 1:23; 2 Cor 5:17; Jas 1:18). We do not need more people like tombs for their dead spirits. We need people to join the ranks of heaven, the kingdom of God.

A few decades ago, some religious people in Korea wrote in the Declaration of Korean Independence that the culture of this nation would be transformed to the culture of heaven. God and the holy spirit said this as a prophecy through those pastors. This prophecy has been fulfilled in Shinchonji today. People who are fond of this world, their own churches, and their own pastors will stay where they are now. People who need God, heaven, and the promised pastor, however, will come to Shinchonji.

Recently, a group of false pastors united with the producers of MBC PD Note to broadcast a deceitful, distorted program about us in an attempt to harm Shinchonji. After the program was aired, roughly 50 different press companies condemned MBC’s program as nothing but a lie. That was a victory for God, a victory for Shinchonji, and a victory for the truth. Anyone who still thinks of Shinchonji as a cult should question his own sanity.

If you want to know compare the length of two objects, just put them next to each other and see for yourself. We declare that the only true God and his word are only in Shinchonji. We pray that Christians worldwide will realize that eternal life and hope revolve around Shinchonji in which God, Jesus, and heaven dwell (Rv 21).

1: The Korean word Do-tong-geun-jah refers to wise people who have mastered the path.

The meaning of religion

The Chinese characters that make up the word for religion mean highest teaching. This religion was created by the creator—he wrote his will into the scriptures. If this idea of religion is the will of the one and only creator, religious people should all be united under one religion. Religious people, however, cannot seem to unite as one. Why do religious people fight with one another? They fight because they have spirits that prevent unification. God is aware of this and created the scriptures to help his creation see and understand the truth. If we do not know what is recorded in the scriptures, we cannot discern the spirits working within us. People who are ignorant of the will of God’s holy spirit persist in their own way of thinking, which leads to disputes.

The thoughts and will of God are truth, but the thoughts and will of people born of mere human seed are far from God. People killed every messenger God sent into the world. This is not the will of God—they murdered out of their own thoughts (Mt 23:34-35; Jn 16:2-3). Can we say their decisions were righteous? Just because a person is kind-hearted or knowledgeable does not make them one of God’s people. Even people who are commendable from a human perspective can be enemies of God. People belong to God or to Satan depending on the type of seed they have received. Only people born of God’s seed become God’s children. Our image and ideology are shaped by the seed we receive. Just calling a wolf a sheep, does not make it so.

God and the devil are very real. Each of them work through people born of their respective seed (Jn 8:41-45). The seed of a spirit represents that spirit’s words (Lk 8:11; Jn 6:63). God’s seed represents God’s word and teachings, and the devil’s seed represents the devil’s word and teachings. We must test people using the Bible as a standard to determine whether they contain the seed of God or the seed of the devil—truth or lies. The seed you have received determines who your father is. You are God’s son if you are born of God’s seed and the devil’s son if you are born of his seed (Mt 13:36-39). People also go to the place they belong depending on this seed. Those who are born again with God’s seed and spirit go to the kingdom of heaven (Jn 3:5-6; 1 Pt 1:23), but those who are born of the devil’s seed and spirit go to hell.

God, life, and light are present in the place where God’s seed can be found (Jn 1:1-4). God and the word are in Shinchonji Church of Jesus.

The revelation of Jesus that John saw and heard

The revelation that John saw, heard, and recorded is the revelation of Jesus Christ (Rv 1:1). Anyone who learns this revelation of Jesus is not learning from mere men; he is learning from Jesus and the angels coming in his name (Jn 14:26; Rv 10). This revelation contains prophecies and their fulfillment (Jn 14:29; Rv 21:6). The prophecies record the events of betrayal, destruction, and salvation (2Thes 2:1-3). The fulfillment of Revelation includes battles and the handling down of judgment (Rv 13; Rv 12). Revelation describes the war between God and the devil, and the battle between God’s promised pastor and the pastors of the devil (Rv 12).
The events of Revelation begin with the work of the seven messenger (i.e. the seven stars)of the tabernacle that prepared the way (Rv 1:20). Satan and his Nicolaitans entered this tabernacle and enticed the seven messengers to eat food sacrificed to idols and to receive the teachings of Satan. They enticed the seven messengers to commit spiritual adultery with Satan. This is why the Lord sent the seven messengers letters demanding repentance (Rv 2-3). Jesus then judged the seven messengers because they refused to repent. This judgment begins with the breaking of the seven seals (Rv 6). After all seals have been broken, seven trumpets are blown to announce what has already happened (Rv 8-9; Rv 11). Then, god’s salvation and judgment begin with the blowing of the seventh and final trumpet (Rv 10:7; Rv 11:15).
Both the betrayers (the seven stars) and the destroyers (the beast with seven heads) are judged (Rv 16-18). After the judgment, the spirits of the martyrs and the guests of the wedding banquet-the good grain harvested from the north, south, east, and west-gather in the house of the Lamb’s wedding banquet (Mt 8:11; Lk 13:28-29; Rv 19). It is in this place that the first resurrection-the marriage between spirits and flesh-takes place. As the holy city descents upon this place, the millennial city is established (Rv 20-21). In Revelation, the twelve tribes of New Spiritual Israel are created through those who are sealed with word and live in the millennial kingdom (Rv 7; Rv 14). This millennial kingdom becomes paradise and heaven where the spiritual and physical worlds unite as one. This is the conclusion and completion of the prophecies in the New Testament (Rv 21).
If Jesus’ promises in the New Testament-more specifically, god’s kingdom and priests in Revelation (Rv 1:5-6; Rv 5:9-10)-are not fulfilled, God’s kingdom does not come to earth and there is no salvation. Believers from all nations have been anticipating the Lord’s second coming and salvation for the past 2,000 years. The truth is, however, that all believers must find the one place of salvation: Mt. Zion, Shinchonji, the new heaven and new earth, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony (Rv 14-15; Rv 21). There is only one promised pastor; there is one who overcome (Rv 2-3; Rv 12; Rv 21:7). The promised pastor must fight against and overcome Satan and his organization (the dragon that appears in Rv 12). If no one overcomes, then God, Jesus, and heaven cannot come to us. If no one overcomes, neither God’s kingdom nor his salvation will come. Thus, wherever you can find the one who overcomes, you will also find God, Jesus, and their angels (Rv 1:1, Rv 4-5; Rv 12). Those who truly believe and know the Bible will seek the one who overcomes.
The one who overcomes sits on with Jesus on his throne (Rv 3:21). The names of heaven and God, and the new name of Jesus are written on the one who overcomes (Rv 3:12). It is only by finding him through the Bible that we can live. John the Baptist came in the name of Elijah (Mt 11:10-15; Mt 17:10-13) and Jesus came in the name of God the father (Jn 5:43). The advocate (i.e. the holy spirit) comes in the name of Jesus (Jn 14:26). This advocate, who is also called the spirit of truth, will work through and dwell in Jesus’ chosen and promised pastor (Jn 14:16-17).
People who lack knowledge of the Bible do not know the promises recorded in Rv 2 and 3 that describe the incredible blessings given to the one who overcomes. These people will persecute the promised pastor, the one who overcomes, out of their biblical ignorance. No matter how much they may persecute the truth, if they come to understand, they will come to believe. At the time of the harvest, people who want to be harvested to heaven must believe more in Jesus and his harvesters (messengers) than they believe in their own pastors (Mt 13:30; Mt 13:39; Rv 14:14-16). People who believe only in the words of their own pastors and who rebuke and mock the harvesters will not make it to heaven. Only people who are harvested by being sealed with the revealed word of the new song (Rv 7; Rv 14)-only people who are born again of the water (the truth) and the holy spirit (Jn 3:4-5; Jas 1:18; 1Pt 1:14-16)-will make it to heaven.

The errors of MBC’s PD Note

MBC’s PD Note aired a biased program concerning Shinchonji Church of Jesus (SCJ). Was it premeditated or was it a simple mistake? Did they do so against their will? We consider them guilty because of their biased attitude toward us and their defense of conversion education. It would not be surprising if MBC aired the biased program about SCJ with the hope of increasing its viewer ratings. Not only did MBC ignore the truth about SCJ, its leaders actively fabricated details and presented their lies in such a way that made SCJ seem guilty.
Soon after MBC PD Note’s false report was aired, prosecutors and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism thoroughly investigated SCJ. Their report concluded that SCJ was innocent of any wrongdoing. Some members of the Korean Christian press as well select members of Korean society interviewed leaders from SCJ and agreed that PD Note had broadcast lies. Despite these claims, MBC did not air a real correction. Why not? The leaders of MBC were unwilling to fix their mistakes because they were unconcerned about the damage they caused SCJ. The leaders of MBC refused to air a correction because they were only interested in maintaining their reputation and gaining more authority.
MBC PD Note’s false broadcast can be traced back to the lies of a man named Shin, a former member of SCJ. A short while after he was expelled, Shin began to claim he had been second in command inside SCJ. Furthermore, Shin began conducting seminars in which he slandered SCJ. He united with a group of conversion education pastors (those who receive money for converting SCJ members to thier denomination) to sabotage SCJ and convert SCJ members to his own back to their denomination. Shin lied to the MBC producers and a pastor’s wife who is a friend of an MBC executive. MBC PD Note decided to work together with Shin and the conversion education pastors to broadcast lies that they hoped would increase ratings. Shin betrayed SCJ and attempted to stage a coup d’tat. Now, he has now sided with the conversion pastors. He spread lies that the Chairman of SCJ is a counterfeit Jesus. Shin did this with the intention of expelling the Chairman and taking over his position. SCJ believers, however, recognized Shin’s lies and expelled him.
There are several reasons why members of the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) are false believers. The cult experts appointed by the CCK include a person who claims tritheism, a person who called Mr. Lee (i.e. Chairman of SCJ) Jesus and who told people to pray in Mr. Lee’s name, and a person who claimed the four living creatures represent the four gospels. Anyone can see through these lies. Nonetheless, members of the CCK lied to MBC and the program PD Note broadcast a false report about SCJ. The CCK must apologize to the citizens of Korea and to SCJ. MBC’s PD Note must also broadcast an on-air apology to SCJ.
We the members of SCJ have been patient and tolerant. We, who have been sealed (Rv 7), gave up our lives for Jesus long ago. We no longer consider our own lives, but Christ who lives in us (Gal 2:20). Therefore, anyone who persecutes and kills us is persecuting and killing Christ. We want people to know this, but how can the unenlightened understand?

The place in the Bible believers must find and go

Since the Old Testament has already been fulfilled, no further explanation is necessary. Let us examine the place promised in the New Testament.

Revelation 7 promises a place to which 144,000 people are harvested and sealed. Revelation 14 calls this same place Mt. Zion. The time these things happen is called the time of the harvest because the sealed 144,000 are called firstfruits. Mount Zion is the location of God’s throne, the four living creatures, and the 24 elders. It is also the only place people can learn the new song (i.e. the new word). The 144,000 people gathered at Mt. Zion are the twelve tribes created through the seal of the living God. Mount Zion is synonymous with the sea of glass before God’s throne (Rv 15) where those who have been victorious over the beast, his image, and the number of his name (Rv 13) are gathered. This place is also called the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. Since Jesus said this is the place all nations must come and worship, shouldn’t all believers be searching for it?

The Bible uses the term Mt. Zion both literally and figuratively. The Mt. Zion in Rv 14 is figurative. Isaiah 60:14 refers to Jesus as Zion and as a city (or temple). In addition, Zec 2:7 refers to the people seized in Babylon as Zion. Clearly Zion does not refer to a place; it refers to people. Revelation 11 uses the names of historical places figuratively. Revelation 11 figuratively refers to the place the two witnesses are killed as Sodom, Egypt, and the place the Lord was crucified. It is referring to those places because all of them were places God’s chosen people were held captive by gentiles.

In the same way, the way Mt. Zion appears today is also figurative. In the same way the Old Testament prophecies figuratively referred to Jesus as Zion, the one who overcomes the organization of Satan in this generation is called Zion and the holy city of God in the New Testament prophecies. By extension, Zion also refers to the place the one who overcomes can be found—the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. Believers can only attain salvation by coming to this place because it is where God resides. Believers must come, believe, and obey the words of the prophecies and their physical fulfillment (Mt 7:21; Jn 14:23; Rv 1:3). Again, salvation can only be found in this one place. Just as Rv 2 and Rv 3 state, God, Jesus, and the promised kingdom of heaven will come to the place where those who overcome in Rv 12 and Rv 15 are gathered. This is the same place the one who overcomes—the pastor with the promised food of eternal life and the authority to judge—can be found.

We in Shinchonji are testifying about the physical fulfillment of the prophecies in Revelation, which we have seen and heard. Do you still refuse to believe?

Deception, sin, and righteousness

Jesus said that many people will come in his name to deceive others (Mt 24:5). They will not hesitate to persecute and even kill people who disagree with them (Jn 16:2-4). Who acts in this way?

The Old Testament describes many wars between the chosen people and various gentile nations. Since the time of the New Testament, however, the wars have been about religious persecution and ecclesiastical authority. The chosen people have become gentiles because they betrayed God and persecuted God’s chosen pastor and God’s true saints. This is prophesied in the New Testament.

Let’s compare the Church of Jesus and Calvinist churches. Jesus taught us to love even our enemies (Mt 5:44), but John Calvin forced many people to convert because they did not believe in his doctrine of pre-destination. He persecuted people who refused to convert as heretics, violently tortured, excommunicated, and even killed them. Even today people who belong to the Church of Jesus and people who belong to Calvinist churches have very different doctrines. According to the Bible, all who receive Jesus and all who believe in his name receive the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God (Jn 1:12-13). Calvin only acknowledged those who believe in his doctrine of pre-destination. He considered those who refused to acknowledge his doctrines to be heretics.

Jesus said that those who add anything to or take anything away from the book of Revelation cannot go to the kingdom of heaven. Instead, they will receive all the plagues described in Revelation (Rv 22:18-19). Calvin did not acknowledge Revelation. The root, trunk, branches, leaves, and fruits are all part of one tree (Dn 4:20; Jn 15:1-2; Rv 22:1-2). In other words, they belong to the same organization and are cut from the same cloth. The roots of the Church of Jesus are God and Jesus. The root of Calvinism is Calvin. Since the Presbyterian church grew out of Calvinism, the root of the Presbyterian church is Calvin. Anyone who calls Presbyterianism orthodoxy is calling Calvinism orthodoxy. In God’s eyes, however, Calvinism is not orthodox; it is heresy. Anyone can decide to establish a denomination, but their denomination will be heretical if its doctrines do not align with the teachings of Jesus included in the Bible.

Biblical commentaries

Many pastors write theses about the prophecies of the Bible, including Revelation, to receive doctoral degrees. They also use their degrees to exert influence and pretend as if they are experts. The Bible says, however, that God reveals his prophecies to one person at an appointed time (Hb 2:2-3; Jn 16:25) and fulfills them. The secrets of God’s kingdom cannot be revealed through discussion, and they are not subject to anyone’s personal opinion. That is lawlessness before God. One scripture is interpreted in countless ways depending on who is doing the interpreting. Whose commentaries should believers trust? Although there is only one Bible, differences in biblical interpretations have splintered Christianity. How can we tell which denomination has the truth?

Believers should not believe in the commentaries of men over the revelation from the pastor promised in the New Testament (Rv 10). When you receive the teachings of men, you are receiving the weeds—the seeds of the devil that will transform you into the children of the devil who persecute others.

Why do people persecute others?

Who persecutes others? Who are persecuted? False pastors give false testimonies about the prophecies by interpreting them on their own. Jesus promised another counselor, the spirit of the truth, who would be with the promised pastor. Together they testify about the true identity of the false pastors. These false pastors despise the promised pastor because he reveals their teachings to be lies. They then proceed to persecute him and his followers by labeling them a cult. They attempt to cover their own shortcomings by preventing their own congregation members from going to hear the promised pastor. The last thing they want is for their congregation members to hear his testimony and believe it. The events of the first coming unfolded in a similar way. After all, Jesus promised that the second coming would be no different. People who claim to be servants of God hate the one sent by God. Instead of receiving him with joy, they gather to create a strategy for killing him. This is how things happened in the first coming and the way things happen in the second coming (Mt 27; Rv 11).

They hate and persecute without reason (Jn 15:25) because they are false pastors. True believers must understand this and discern the true pastor from these false pastors. People who see and hear these sorts of events taking place, yet fail to understand and discern the truth—people who blindly accept the testimonies of these unrighteous pastors—simply prove that they have been born of unrighteous seed.

Sin and righteousness

What is sin? What is righteousness? Sin is not believing in Jesus. Righteousness is believing in the words of promise (Jn 16:8-11)

Jesus said no one righteous, not even one (Rom 3:10). He also asked whether he would find faith on the earth when he returns (Lk 18:8). Obviously, he did not consider anyone to be righteous. Jesus also said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners,” (Mt 9:12-13). The righteous are people who have already been saved. The righteous do not need salvation. Granting salvation to the righteous does not make sense and is not according to the Bible or to God’s will. Anyone who says such a thing is ignorant of the Bible and speaks the words of his own heart. He is arrogant and a true heretic. Jesus prohibited persecution, measuring, criticizing, and cursing, yet people are doing these very things (Mt 7:1-5; Jn 8:44). They act this way because it is according to their doctrines; it is orthodox to them. We have to think deeply about who it is to whom they belong. Their actions are truly heretical and unlawful according to the Bible.


The word conversion should be used when a person decides to change his or her religion.

There is a group of pastors in Korea calling themselves “conversion pastors.” They claim to be Christians, but the targets for their conversion education programs are also Christians. How can Christians change their religion to Christianity? This is not conversion. If they insist on calling it conversion, are they calling themselves non-Christians? They are Christians, but their actions prove they are truly Calvinist Christians. The constitution of the Republic of Korea guarantees the freedom of religion. Since these conversion pastors are forcing people to accept their beliefs, they are breaking the law.

The word conversion is frequently used by ignorant heretics, who are controlled by the devil. The Bible says that Israel’s watchmen (i.e. pastors) are blind and that they all lack knowledge (Is 56:9-12). Pastors who betray the word are figuratively called dogs and pigs (2 Pt 2:20-22). Jesus told us not to give dogs what is sacred and not to throw our pearls to pigs (Mt 7:6). People who are deceived into obeying these ignorant, blind pastors become servants of dogs. The Bible says that the dogs (and by extension their servants) will not be allowed to enter the holy city of the kingdom of heaven. It says that the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters, and all liars (e.g. those who claim that salvation is for the righteous) are all outside of the holy city (Rv 21:8; Rv 22:15). Although now they can say anything they want, they will be speechless at the time of judgment and will be cast into the lake of fire in the last days.

Today is like the time of Noah (Mt 24:37-39). Thus, I pray for those who refuse to believe with sincere hearts.

Betrayal, destruction, and salvation

Jesus and his disciples spoke consistently about a savior who would come and carry out the work of salvation after the betrayal and destruction of God’s chosen people (e.g. 2 Thes 2:1-12). They also prophesied that after the subjects of the kingdom (the chosen people) have been cast out like Adam was, those who are gathered from the north, south, east, and west to participate in the wedding banquet will attain salvation (Mt 8:11-12; Lk 13:28-30).
Who has been cast out today? Where have they gone? When are these events supposed to happen? At the end of the world of Christianity-at the time of the second coming –God’s chosen people, who were once united with God, have been deceived by the sudden appearance of Satan’s ecclesiastical authority and teaching (secrets). The chosen people believed and followed the teachings of Satan jus as Adam did. This is why they have been destroyed (Rv13; Rv17;Rv18). It was in this time of destruction that God sent his messenger to his chosen people. Although this messenger encouraged God’s former chosen people to repent, they refused to listen and believe his words. This is why the chosen people were cast out just like Adam was (Rv2; Rv3). In other words, the chosen people were thrown out and destroyed because they betrayed God. Figuratively speaking, the sun, moon, and stars, which once belonged to heave, have gone dar and fallen to the groun (Mt 24:29; Rv6).
This event points to the end of the chosen people in Christianity and is referenced in Mt 24. These betraying chosen people are those who have claimed to this very day to believe in Jesus.
The fact that Christianity does not have the word, which symbolizes lif, light, and God (Jn 1:1-4), indicates that Christianity is in a state of spiritual darkness and night. This is the end of the religious world. How can anyone claim to be orthodox and to have received salvation and the holy spirit while ignoring the Bible’s prophecies and this testimony, which is given according to the Bible? In fact, their actions are abominable.
The betrayal and destruction of the chosen people are important events that must occur at the end of the world, which is also know as the time of the harvest (Mt 13:37-39). The churches come to an end a the time of the harvest, and those who are harvested attain salvation. Those who remain in their own churche, on theother hand, are the weeds that fall into the fire of hell (Mt 13:24-30). Believers be careful not to listen to their own pastors at the time of the harvest. Just as the Bible prophesies, Christians must believe and follow the words of the harvesters to attain salvation.
The events in the end tiems happen in the logical order of betrayal, destruction, and salvation (2Thes 2:1-3; Mt 24:14-15). A savior comes and redeems people from destruction (Rv17:14; Rv 18:4). It is only when people believe and obey this message that they will acquire salvation.

Regarding church names, people’s names, and place names

The names of churches, people, and places in the New Testament prophecies are either figurative or literal. The names of people and places in the prophecies often make figurative reference to the Old Testament. Church names come either from God or from men. There are two kinds of temples: spiritual and physical. A spiritual temple is the temple of a person’s heart (Eph 2:20-22; 1 Cor 3:16), and a physical temple is a physical building where people, who are themselves spiritual temples, gather to worship. At the time of the fulfillment, God chooses a pastor after his own heart and uses him to build a temple according to the pattern in heaven (Ex 25:1-9; Rv 4). In contrast, pastors appointed by men use their own words to build spiritual temples in the hearts of their congregation members and physical temples in the world where their congregation members gather to worship.

In which of these two kinds of temples is God going to reside?

Some of the pastors and temples mentioned in the 66 books of the Bible from the time of Adam to the time of the second coming were promised by God and some were created by men. God’s word comes from God’s promised temple (Rv 14:1-3) because God dwells there (Rv 15; Rv 21:1-3). Who resides in the temples created by men? If there is a spirit in these temples, it is certainly not God. The temple of Jerusalem, came to an end after Abraham’s Physical Israel betrayed God and killed Jesus (Mt 24:1-2). Who built the temples (churches) that have been constructed since then? What spirits reside in them?

The New Testament prophesies that New Jerusalem will be established on earth as it is in heaven (Rv 21). This temple is not the temple of Jerusalem from the time of Physical Israel. Since the time of Jesus 2,000 years ago, most of the churches that have been established have been built according to the will of men. Their pastors, too, have been appointed by people. The New Testament promises one pastor and one temple. There is only one chosen pastor and only one chosen temple where all nations must come to worship (Rv 10; Rv 15:2-5). Since Jesus was the true light (Jn 1:9), darkness came to the earth when Jesus left (Jn 9:4-5). The world is again filled with light when the light of life, which is the word (Rv 21:23-26; Jn 1:1-5; 1 Jn 1:1-7), returns.

Since the scriptures say that those who are born of the flesh persecute those born of the Spirit (Gal 4:29, KJV), we know that churches built according to the will of men will persecute the temple built according to the promise of God. Since Shinchonji means “new heaven and new earth,” Shinchonji Church of Jesus has been established according to the Bible (Rv 21). The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony is also promised in the Bible (Rv 15:5). The pastor who received the revelation from heaven in Rv 10 is the one who overcomes and the promised pastor God has chosen. Those who persecute the promised temple and the promised pastor do not belong to God (1 Jn 4:4-6). Only those who affirm the truth of the word and its fulfillment correctly can follow the word and attain salvation.

We who have overcame, the 12 tribes of Shinchonji Church of Jesus—Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony—pray that all the world’s believers will understand the only true God, his promised pastor, and promised temple.